ÿþ<html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <body background="smsham1.gif"> <title>Genealogy Report: Descendants of unfinished </title> <meta name="keywords" content="Descendants of unfinished"> </head> <hr> <center><h2><b><i>Descendants of Philip D Crume, &amp; Maurice Veale & Christopher Birkehead &<br> Solomon Bishop (1755-1834) & Christopher Wise (1785-Aft. 1860) &<br> Peter Daniel Klauberg / Thomaser Matthias1 Von Au</i></b></h2> <br> <img src="Construction_web.jpg" border="2" alt="Construct" width="345" height="460" /> <br> <font size="4" face="Times New Roman"> This site is under construction. Please check back later. <br> <br> <hr> <hr> <br><center> [ <a href="../../HenningAnc.htm" target="main">Home Page</a>] </center> <br> </body></html>